Les filles Gilmore parlent beaucoup. Leurs répliques font le charme de la série, les dialogues fusent, l'humour est très présent et les références nombreuses. Ce sont des Gilmorism que tout fan a plaisir à retrouver parce qu'ils nous replongent dans cet univers, instantanément.
Prenez un café et un muffin, chez Luke's et savourez.
J'ai retrouvé ces différents extraits sur le net et j'ai pu en remettre de tête. En français ou en anglais, parce que j'ai regardé la série dans les deux langues.
Et ça commence fort, dès les premiers minutes du pilot (1x01) :

¤Lorelai: Please, Luke. Please, please, please.
Luke: How many cups have you had this morning?
Lorelai: None.
Luke: Plus…
Lorelai: Five, but yours is better.
Luke: You have a problem.
Lorelai: Yes, I do.
Luke: Junkie.
Lorelai: Angel. You’ve got wings, baby.
¤Rory : Maman... t'as l'air réjouie !
Lorelai : Je le suis !
Rory : T'as fait un truc dégoutant??
Lorelai : Oh je ne suis pas aussi réjouie que ça ! (1x01)

¤Rory : So, Grandpa, how's the insurance biz?
Richard: Oh, people die, we pay. People crash, we pay. People lose a foot, we pay.
Lorelai : Well, at least you have your new slogan.
¤ Emily : Un chat ?
Lorelai : Oui, un chat. C'était les funérailles d'un chat.
Emily : Tu as manqué les funérailles de ton propre cousin pour les funérailles d'un chat ?
Lorelai : Pas mon cousin, maman. La fille de la soeur de la grand-mère de mon père que je n'avais jamais...
Emily : Tu disais que tu ne pouvias pas être loin de l'auberge.
Lorelai : Je me suis arrangée, voilà !
Emily : Pour un CHAT ????
Lorelai : Il est tard et j'ai une grosse journée demain, maman...
Emily : Ah !! Tu as un raton laveur qui se marie ? (1x05)
Ma préférée de chez préférée :
¤Emily: You were on the phone?
Richard: Long distance.
Lorelai: God?
Richard: London.
Lorelai: God lives in London?
Richard: My mother lives in London.
Lorelai: Your mother is God?
Richard: Lorelai...
Lorelai: So, God *is* a woman.
Richard: Lorelai.
Lorelai: *And* a relative. That's so cool. I'm gonna totally ask for favors.
Richard: Make her stop.
Rory: Oh, that I could.

¤Jess: Hi.
Rory: Hey.
Jess: Hi.
Lorelai: Hi.
Jess: Hi.
Luke: Hi.
Rory: I have to get to school.
Jess: Yeah, me too.
Rory: Bye
Jess: Bye. Bye.
Lorelai: Bye.
Rory: Bye.
Lorelai: Bye.
Rory: Bye.
Luke: Bye.
[Jess and Rory leave]
Luke: What the hell was that?
Lorelai: That was episode one of "Rory and Jess: The Early Years."
¤Rory: How do you feel?
Lorelai: I ate tofurkey. How do you think I feel?
Rory: Tofurkier.
¤Lorelai : Tell me a joke.
Rory: Knock knock.
Lorelai : [giggles] That was a good one.
¤Lorelai :[walking into Luke's diner] Give me a burger, onion rings, cheese fries, and a list of people who killed their parents and got away with it. I'm lookin' for some heroes.
¤Emily : You have the word "Juicy" on your rear end.
Lorelai : Well, if I knew you were coming over, I would've changed.
Emily: Into what? A brassiere with the word "Tasty" on it?

¤Lorelai : My mother - she was here. I can feel it.
Rory :Grandma hasn't been here.
Lorelai : Smell that?
Rory : Smell what?
Lorelai : The room - it smells like guilt and Chanel No. 5
¤Logan : It'll be fun, it'll be a thrill. Something stupid, something bad for you. Just something different. Isn't this the point of being young? It's your choice, Ace. People can live a hundred years without really living for a minute. You climb up here with me, it's one less minute you haven't lived.
If you jump, I jump, Jack !